Cullen manages the global channel marketing by supporting the distributors to make sure they have up-to-date marketing on their pages. He also works with Taoglas’ ecosystem partners to continually make new content that increases the range of engineers who see our products and materials.

Before joining Taoglas what other roles did you hold?
I started my career at DigiKey, working as a Product Manager within the Semiconductor team for 8 years. I specialized in RF & Wireless product, which eventually is how I met Taoglas and became Product Manager for the line.
Why did you choose to work at Taoglas?
I love the team at Taoglas. I was excited to be able to help build out the company using the distribution experience I had gained previously. Taoglas was a team that had good direction but still left room to adjust to the input they were given.
Why do you enjoy working at Taoglas?
I feel as though my opinion is not only heard, but also respected! I work in an amazing team that allows for judgement free brainstorming so that we can come up with the best ideas to support our endeavours. The culture is also quite fun, being able to work with great people in all different parts of the world with different directives they are chasing.
How are we different from other companies?
Taoglas allows for the individual to define and chase the goals they think best suit the position they are in. There is a ton of freedom to work on the initiatives you think will best help the company and your role to thrive!
How has Taoglas supported you in your career?
I have been able to deepen my connections within the industry and see how manufacturers function more than I had ever seen before while in distribution. The difference in challenges, KPIs, and team attitude have been positive for my career growth and how I operate daily.
What advice do you have for people just starting out in their career in your field?
Find a person who is willing to help and ask all of the questions, never fear the “dumb question” because it doesn’t exist. To learn, we must allow ourselves a level of vulnerability!
What motivates you at work?
I want the Taoglas team to thrive. We are in a highly competitive market, but currently we shine through to our partners. I want to continue to grow that shine and work towards Taoglas being synonymous with antennas in the industry. I want our Ecosystem to win!