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Smart Medical

Connected Healthcare and Medical Devices

Advancing telehealth, remote care, disease, and lifestyle management with advanced antenna and RF designs for IoT.

We design industry-leading connectivity solutions with superior performance, reliability, and form factors for IoT products from the world’s leading medical and healthcare companies. We are committed to achieving the highest standards of quality with a goal of zero defects, support Class I & Class II medical device manufacturing, and we are ISO 9001 certified.

Medical devices showcasing managed with advanced antenna and RF designs for IoT

Technology Benefits

Connected health can maximize healthcare resources and provide improved health and patient care inside and outside of the hospital or doctor’s office. Connected health technology creates the ability to provide healthcare services remotely and aims to make accurate, actionable information available in a timely manner for patients and caregivers. Benefits for the Medtech industry include:

  • Improving Patient Health
  • Better Medical Decisions
  • Improved Clinical Workflows
  • Greater Levels of Security
  • Cost Savings

Spotlight Applications

a 3d hospital floor showcasing range of Tagolas products that can be integrated

Home monitoring, video-based appointments and diagnosis, alongside telesurgery

Wireless Asset Tracking

Hospital beds, ventilators and wheelchairs

Wearable and Implanted Devices

Cardiovascular monitoring, wearable respiratory therapy and drug delivery devices, monitor glucose meters, blood oxygen levels and sleep data

Navigating complex regulatory requirements

From antenna to fully integrated IoT solutions, we’ve spent years working through the pain points of certifications, performance testing, and overall regulatory compliance so you don’t have to. Our products and services help ensure you can achieve time-to-market success without an issue with one of the medical and healthcare regulatory considerations below.

  • End to end Cybersecurity & Lifecycle Management​
  • FDA Class 1, 2 & 3 Expertise​
  • Verification & Validation for Medical Devices​
  • MISRA / SafeRTOS / Mission Critical​
  • IEC 62304, IEC 60601, ISO 14971, ISO 13485​
  • FDA 510K / EU MDR​
    HIPPA Compliance / GDPR / Data security

Our Connectivity Solutions

Connected health encompasses a variety of applications including telehealth, remote care, disease, and lifestyle management. To mitigate downtime and delays, our wideband antennas cover key cellular bands and sub-6 GHz 5G deployments and pass operator certifications with flying colors. Additionally, these highly efficient antennas have small footprints ideal for devices with limited real estate for wireless components.

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